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Civil Eng Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Structures or Materials (Deadline: 1st May)

Segnalo ai colleghi interessati che il Prof. Palmieri, docente alla Loughborough University, ha inviato la comunicazione che segue.
Il Presidente
ing. Michele Brigante

"Cari Colleghi:

Con la presente desidero segnalare che la Loughborough University ha bandito un posto da Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Structural (or Material) Engineering.


La posizione è sostanzialmente equivalente a quella di un Ricercatore Universitario a Tempo Indeterminato (Lecturer) o di un Professore Associato (Senior Lecturer).

La scadenza per presentare domanda è giovedì I maggio, e vi sarei grato se voleste diffondere questa comunicazione a quanti possono essere interessati.

Segnalo inoltre che:

1) Loughborough (60 mila abitanti) è situata al centro dell'Inghilterra, a 20 minuti da Nottingham ed a 80 minuti da Londra;

2) Il Dipartimento figura tra le prime 10/15 posizioni in tutte classifiche nazionali per Ingegneria Civile;

3) L'Università (16 mila studenti) è stata votata per sei anni di fila dal Times Higher Education come "England's Best Student Experience";

4) L'Università rientra tra le prime 12 istituzioni britanniche per fondi di ricerca in Ingegneria e Scienze.

Ulteriori dettagli sono forniti in calce.

Cordiali saluti,

Alessandro Palmeri


The School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University is one of the leading centres of its type in the world, consistently achieving excellent results in the Research Assessment Exercise and National Student Survey. We offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with interdisciplinary and collaborative research being one of the School's core strengths.

Due to our continuing success, we are seeking to recruit a Civil Engineering Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Structures or Materials, who can complement the existing teaching, research and enterprise activities of the School. The position is permanent (subjected to a three-year probation) and full time.

Applicants must have a good honours degree in an appropriate discipline; a relevant PhD (or equivalent qualifications); experience of publishing research in leading academic journals and at international conferences . Applicants for the senior Lectureship post should also demonstrate an established record of successful research funding and have a significant publications record.

The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, particularly analysis and design of structures; engage with professional bodies and industrial partners; and demonstrate a continuing commitment to maintain the School's high standards in teaching, learning and enterprise.

Relevant links:

[-] Loughborough University: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/?external

[-] The School of Civil and Building Engineering: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/

[-] Recent projects:

[-] Current members of the research group
Prof Simon Austin, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/austinsimon/
Dr Alessandro Palmeri, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/palmerialessandro/
Dr Chris Goodier, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/goodierchris/
Dr Peter Robins, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/robinspeter/
Dr Jamal El-Rimawi, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/elrimawijamal/
Dr Mariateresa Lombardo, http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/civil-building/staff/lombardoteresa/

Alessandro Palmeri
Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering

The School of Civil and Building Engineering @ Loughborough University
Sir Frank Gibb Building, Loughborough LE11 3TU, United Kingdom
tel: +44 (0)1509 222613 - fax: +44 (0)1509 22398
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